IOMICA Forum - Registration

If you would like to join the IOM forum, there are a couple of things we ask. We have the usual requirements that you should not post abusive, offensive, or indecent material, that you should not abuse or libel any member, and so on. We are sure you know "good forum behaviour"! More details in the topic "Rights and obligations", which gives the text that you agree to when you register.

When you register, please provide:
Your real name as your Username, NOT an alias, VERY IMPORTANT! If some person is called Fred Freddy, then his username would be: Fred Freddy. If that is taken, Fred Freddy 1 should do. (note 1)
An e-mail address that you really do use (note 2)
Your current IOM hull number, complete with country letters in the "Boat Registration Number" field (note 3)
Your full name in your "Signature" (note 4)
Your "Preferences" set to:
Hide your online status: NO (note 5)
Always attach my signature: YES (note 4)
If you mention a Web site URL, a site that is related to the hobby and sport of radio sailing in one way or another.
When you click on "Submit", your application to register is reviewed by one of the Forum Administrators (from the InfoComms Sub-Committee). If your application does not appear to satisfy the above criteria, it will not be approved.
We suggest using your first name as your Username, which does need to be unique in the forum. If you are the second "John" to register, for example, you will need to add some letters or numbers. One easy addition is your sail number, so you might become "John35" if your sail number is "35". Note that your username is your Forum ID, and you type it in every time you log on. You might therefore want to keep it quite short, and have your full name in your signature (see below).

Your e-mail address cannot be the same as another forum member, it must be unique. IOMICA and IOM NCAs are exclusively "virtual" associations, and all communication is electronic. Also, when you submit your registration request, an e-mail is sent to you to validate your request. Until you respond to this e-mail, your registration remains incomplete.

Your e-mail address (and therefore your name on your e-mail address) is not available to board users, but is instead hidden behind an "E-mail" button. It is not revealed on your profile, on your posts, or even if another member e-mails you.

If you do not have a boat number, enter just your country code[/color], for example "GBR". Enter your hull number including your country code, for example, "GBR 2131", if your boat is registered. Refer to the topic "Joining a NCA or special interest usergroup" for a list of ISAF country codes. If you plan on joining your NCA forum, what you put in this field becomes particularly important. When you wish to join your NCA usergroup following your forum registration, please read the next topic, "Joining a NCA or special interest usergroup".

Provide your full name in your "Signature", no matter what you have chosen for your username. And, in your preferences, set "Always attach my signature" to "YES".
The Forum policy is for open and up-front discussion. By default, "Hide your online status" is set to "NO" in your preferences. This means that when you log on, your username is added to the public list of logged-on users.
Please do not attempt to hide your on-line status.
Thanks, and happy posting!