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From the Chair

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 08:35
by Chairman
Dear Members,
You will all note that I have not accepted nomination for any position on the executive. :cry:
Since accepting the Chairman position in 2005 my involvement in R/C sailing has reduced significantly. Other interests and priorities have limited the time I have available and I cannot guarantee a full commitment to an executive position.
You will also note that I have nominated current executive members for re election. They deserve the opportunity to provide some continuity in the management of our association and maintain a resource base that will manage by reactive consensus Yes I am aware that there are issues that sit in abeyance that Andy would like fixed. Without WC input or consensus I do not believe they need fixing. A very conscious decision. We need to insure we do not return to addressing the needs of the vocal minority.

A quick review of the past 2 year will reveal a major change in how the executive has operated. This has been in part due to limited resources but more by my belief in reacting to WC issues and not creating our own. There are still a few outstanding housekeeping issues held over but in general we have addressed all WC issues. Bruce has further developed the championships rules for the upcoming WC. We are confident the continued developments will ensure a great event. Sadly I am unable to attend. Andy has done a great job in taking on the secretary position. Anders has kept our web sight up dated and communication channels open and reliable. The basic life blood of our association. Dave Turton has our financial position well in hand. Roy is developing an understanding of the protocols and resources needed to deal with our complicated rules and although Mike has some great ideas on measurement issues we have held off until there is a real need requested by the members or WC.

Andy has been critical about the limited resources both internally and externally but has like us all, been unable to resolve the issue. I was surprised and disappointed to hear he has a solution if he is elected Chairman and an agenda of things to fix. At no time has he been prevented from publishing his views. That being said, Andy has demonstrated a willingness and ability to be involved. I wish him well.

Thanks to those members and WCs who provided input over the past 2 years. IOMICA is sailing along nicely but still needs some more trimming. I will maintain an interest in its direction and provide personal input when time allows.

Greg Willis

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 23:16
by Lester
Hi Greg

A statesmanlike farewell. Balanced, considered, and fair. We have sometimes disagreed in the past, continue to, and will probably do so in the future (smile), but this is not the place to review any of that. You told everyone what it was you wanted to do, and you did it, straight. It is clear that you have brought a constructive and low-key approach which has been appreciated and effective. In particular, you have chosen to look forward, not back, and I think that has been a key component of your successful period of office. From one ex-Chairman to (a soon to be) another, my best wishes.


Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 03:48
by Chairman
Thanks Lester,
Appreciate the reply.
Life is in the future not the past.