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New computer virus

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 13:21
by Chairman
Hi IOMers

A new computer virus has spread to our community. As far as I can tell, it first entered our community through systems in AUS and NZL. (Nothing personal guys!) Our old Yahoo! IOM discussion board has come under attack, as has this site, and a number of individuals have had infected e-mails.

An infected e-mail appears to come from someone you know. Also, you may receive unexpected messages from other systems telling you that the e-mail you sent was infected, when you know you never sent such an e-mail in the first place. These effects are due to the virus "spoofing" the addresses. It picks up the addresses in the infected computer's address book, and then sends virus-loaded messages at random seeming to come from one address in the book and going to another in that book.

It'll take the anti-virus industry a couple of days to get anti-virus updates. In the mean time, vigilance!