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Specification weight and measures required for oziomz site

Posted: 01 Jan 2005, 16:59
by nick lin
I am trying to collate several IOM dimensions for 5 Australian boats (assuming it is public information and buyers have not been sworn to secrecy) for the bottom (and new) menu option (info bit) at

Any additions (or deletions)?

Posted: 02 Jan 2005, 10:31
by awallin
my cockatoo is about max 237 wide and the widest point is about
680 behind the back of the bumper (around 690 from the front of the boat). I would suggest you also list the position of max beam.

D2M 485 (bow to center of mast)
D2F 520 (bow to leading edge of fin)

this kind of info will greatly help home-builders and designers so I encourage you to collect all the info you can and perhaps also list other than AUS designs !

Posted: 03 Jan 2005, 13:28
by nick lin
Anders said "I would suggest you also list the position of max beam"

Good point, have done (D2MB = bow to max meam - including bumper)

Would ballast and weights in general be an idea or is every one to the max anyway?


Posted: 03 Jan 2005, 23:24
by RoyL
I've always felt a particular respect for the guys who spend their time, effort and energy in boat design. I am also very much aware how very little return anyone sees from model yacht design and development. So a web site that promotes the work of model boat designers to me is a very good thing.

However, it has always seemed obvious to me that when I buy a designer's boat (or hull or fin or rudder) I am not also purchasing the right to take lines and specifications from that boat and publish them on the web or anywhere else. The decision to make that information public I think clearly belongs to the designer. It should be their choice as to what (if anything) they want to make available and that choice should be respected.

Accordingly, Nick, may I suggest that rather than ask for owners of boats to send your lines, numbers, placements etc.; you contact the designers and ask them to supply what information they feel comfortable disclosing.

Seems to me to be the right thing to do.

Posted: 04 Jan 2005, 02:03
by nick lin
Thanks Roy, I appreciate the viewpoint. In defense (and I asked about this before somewhere) there is nothing stopping anyone from measuring, say, the wheel base of their Citroen, or Boeing 777 for that matter and telling the world about it. The products are well and truly in the public domain. The only thing that would stop anyone is the simple fact that the basic specs are already out there. Now, for some reason. if IOMs (commercial or amateur) are different, I'll simply put an acronym in the cell such as "DIP" as in designers intellectual property.

One designer has already brought this to my attention and it does put me in a quandry I'll admit as I don't want to upset anyone.

I am fairly new to this and perhaps I have misinterpreted the original spirit of the IOM class. Maybe someone can cast some light.



Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 09:03
by Ray Flanigan
I agree with Nick, whilst a design is on the "drawing board" respect the designer and his need for secrecy.
As soon as the item is available for sale everybody and his Aunty are going to want to know what are spec's. When a motor car manufacturer releases a new model do the competition just ignore it, no they are amongst the first to purchase it and then measure it to pieces.
I would say a bit of realism is required in this world of the electronic age where "electronic industrial espionage" is an everyday occurrence.
If we had to try and prosecute all the people who tend to right click on their meeces how long and would we be able to bring them all to justice?

Anyhooz have a good New Year to all and keep designing I need to see a few more "boats" before I see a design I shall be modifying.......LOL

Posted: 05 Jan 2005, 13:14
by nick lin
It would make a Rumpole episode about who actually owns measurements in themselves.

Does that mean I can say my XYZ IOM is 222mm from A to B ..and
you can't relay it to few mates who may continue the trend exponentially?

What I think will emerge is a tendency to let some measurements through - like beam - and not let other measurements - say dist from mid mast to pointy bit.

