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Sheet-in position? - Poll

Posted: 18 Jul 2005, 16:52
by Graham_Snook
For some unknown reason I seem to have bucked the trend in my local club, all of which use the thumb stick towards you (i.e. at the bottom of the transmitter) to sheet in.

I, on the other hand use it the other way around with sheet-in at the top of the throttle...I think it must lead back to when I used to race RC cars (many years ago with little success) and it also "feels" more natural to ease sheets in gusts by pulling back/down on the stick to reduce power

Is it just me, or are there others out there?

Posted: 19 Jul 2005, 12:11
by Olivier Cohen
Hi Graham,

I use also sheet in on top, but the reason is that my radio (designed for cars) has an exponential only in that side of its movement.

Sheeting in position

Posted: 17 Aug 2005, 12:50
by Arvin S.

It seems like that RC car experience has probably made a big impact on you. I myself have also raced RC cars when I was young, but when I started Sailing RC boats it almost automatically made me set the controls to trim in by pulling back. I think this one now has to do with actual sailing. When you trim in sails you pull in, when you ease sails you pull back.

Or maybe you just have not yet really aged Lester, coz kids that I lend my RC sailboats to have the tendency to push the stick thinking that if they did so the boat will go faster! Of course unlike you :D they quickly realized that doing so just makes the boat slower coz they dump the wind from the sails.

The nice this is that you are not alone so far poll says 12% sheets in the same was as you do :D


Re: Sheeting in position

Posted: 17 Aug 2005, 14:31
by Chairman
Arvin S. wrote:Lester
Hi Arvin

Have you got the right person? I've not raced RC cars before...

My apologies I meant Graham

Posted: 18 Aug 2005, 14:10
by Arvin S.
Sorry Lester I got confused, I meant Graham not you. I take it your controls are trim in towards you?

Then again you mean you never got an RC car as a child? hehehe Lester that can actually really give away your age or at least how "young" you are! Cheers! :D

By the way back to this subject, I did see that there was a post about Pistol type remotes, there are a few guys here who actually use Pistol types 2 channel remotes, and have actually won in some races. Though they never even bothered to modify the "trigger" (take off the spring). I did try to tell them that stick is better, but we have to take into consideration that some sailors are just crossing over from say RC cars and powerboats and have left over equipment, but I do agree that to have better control I think stick type is better.


Sheeting in

Posted: 19 Aug 2005, 13:29
by Graham_Snook
Well I'm glad to see I'm not alone....I'm not really sure why I chose that way of sheeting in. I was wondering while I'm still new to it all, whether I should change to the traditional way (sheet in at the bottom) or continue the way I'm going...the only advantage I can see is when I borrow somone elses boat the controls are already set up...but that's about it.

I think I've come to the conclusion that if it's the best way for me then I'll stick with it (no pun intended) :)