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AGM Resolution proposal: WC_AGM2006_09

Posted: 17 Jul 2006, 10:17
by Andy Stevenson
A Proposal for a resolution for the 2006 AGM has been received:


Proposing NCA / WC Member:
Steve Landeau, NCA for USA

Class Championship Regulations
Subject: Entries

Add “ and one place to each Member NCA.â€

Re: AGM Resolution proposal: WC_AGM2006_09

Posted: 17 Jul 2006, 20:35
by Lester
I've tried to tie these two rule changes back to the current CCRs (as published on the IOMICA Web site in the "Events" page).

The first rule change in this proposal is ...
Add “ and one place to each Member NCA.â€

Posted: 17 Jul 2006, 23:46
by Chairman
Lester I must agree (on all 3 proposals). And I am sure that if we were to get authority to run multi continental then Steve would look at this whole issue in a diffrent way. Steve maybe the proposal to the WC should be that it seeks approval for multi continental Championships. Sorry don't mean to put words in you mouth but such a position would open the way for some larger regattas that require less traveling and may even open the door for smaller WC regattas with the Continentals being a qualifying event.
Steve ???

Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 18:06
by Steve Landeau
The level of competition at a Euro's is pretty much the same as it has been at the Worlds (that I have attended). An America's Continental Championship regatta would not have that level if other countries did not attend.
That's what sailing an international class is all about; the level of competition is as high as it can get. With only one int'l event per year, I don't think it's right to "uninvite" each NCA's top guy (which is not me, BTW). We have discussed this issue before. Big boat classes do not leave out other countries, why should we? I understand the viewpoint from the local guy that is ranked 20th, however ask the guy that's ranked 5th and see who he would rather be sailing next to? I believe that most would prefer the top skipper from another country over the local skipper that is entering because there is a spot open. Harsh? Maybe. But it's true.

Posted: 18 Jul 2006, 18:49
by Lester
Hi Steve

I sympathise. You may recall that the previous Exec raised the number of non-Continental entrants from 4 to 12 when it drafted the CCRs for the Euros 2004. Others don't sympathise. I received a number of comments from various owners that they didn't like what IOMICA had done. I didn't receive any comments (that is, I received zero comments) from anyone who thought the Exec had done the right thing...