- IOMICA Constitution (2010-2011)
- IOMICA Regulations (2018)
Brief summary of the IOM ICA
The IOM ICA has three major areas of responsibility: the class rules, international events, and class measurers. It exercises these responsibilities under the jurisdiction of the ISAF Radio Sailing Division:
The Regulations of the ISAF-RSD which significantly affect the IOM class and IOM class management are those related to changing the class rules, and interpreting the class rules.
Section 6.3.2 of the RSD Regulations are relevant to class rule interpretations. In essence, these Regulations state that an interpretation of a class rule shall be made by a sub-committee of three people, two from the Technical Committee of ISAF-RSD, and one from IOMICA. We expect that the IOMICA representative will be the Vice-chairman (Technical).
Section 14 of the RSD Regulations are relevant to changes to the class rules. In essence, these regulations state that RSD shall approve class rule changes proposed by IOMICA, and this approval shall be made by a sub-committee of three people, as above: two from the Technical Committee of ISAF-RSD, and one from IOMICA.
The ICA is directed by its World Council. The World Council comprises a representative from every country which has a recognised IOM National Class Association (NCA), or a recognised IOM National Class Secretary (NCS). The World Council meets at least once each year to vote on resolutions.
The day-to-day activities of the ICA are managed by an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee consists of a Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and four Vice Chairmen. For three Vice Chairmen, each is the Chairman of a sub-committee which deals with one of the three major responsibilities of the ICA:
- Technical issues of class rules and rule interpretations
- International event issues to do with notice of race, sailing instructions, scoring system, observing, umpiring, and so on; and
- Measurement issues to do with the appointment and training of class measurers, certificates, boat registration, and so on.
Because the ICA does not pay for World Council members or Executive Committee members to attend meetings, the constitution provides for meetings to be held electronically. A major responsibility of one of the Vice Chairmen is therefore for Information and Communications, enabling the ICA to hold electronic meetings and conduct all its business on the Internet effectively and efficiently.
- Promote Class racing throughout the world.
- Promulgate, interpret, and review the Class Rules.
- Provide a structure for Class management throughout the world.
- Encourage the formation of National Class Associations in all countries where the Class is raced.
- Provide a structure for the exchange of information among Class sailors throughout the world.
- Promulgate and review Class Championship Rules for events of International standing, and other guidelines and regulations for Class events.
- Assist in ensuring Class championships are held in appropriate locations and are run to proper standards.
- Encourage the development and training of Class measurers.
- Chairman: Promotion of the Class, appointment of NCAs and NCSs, and external relations.
- Vice-chairman (Technical): Class rules and their interpretation.
- Vice-chairman (Events): Class Championship Rules and the running of events.
- Vice-chairman (Measurers): Class measurers, measurer development and training, providing measurer and measurement support for Class events.
- Vice-chairman (InfoComms): Class Web site, electronic voting, and the exchange of information among Class sailors.
- Secretary and Treasurer: support for the Executive and the World Council.
Executive Committee office bearers act in an honorary capacity. They are nominated and voted to their position by the World Council.
- The World Council comprises the representative of each member NCA or the NCS from each member country.
- The World Council appoints the IOMICA Executive Committee and passes resolutions on Class Rules and other rules and regulations of the Class.
- Representatives on the World Council vote according to the result of the ballot of their owners.
- Representatives have a sliding scale of votes, proportional to their number of owners.
- Class Rule and constitutional changes require 66.7% “Yes” of the votes cast in order to pass. All other votes pass by simple majority.
- IOMICA follows the standard ISAF model with regard to Class structure and responsibilities. IOMICA is recognised by the ISAF-RSD as the Class Association responsible for the Class.
- IOMICA is set up to operate electronically:
- Meetings are held on the Internet.
- Documents are distributed as computer files.
- Correspondence is by e-mail.
- IOMICA income comes from International event fees. The budget for 2002/2003 does not require fees from owners or NCAs/NCSs, and IOMICA expects this will remain the case for the foreseeable future.
- IOMICA appoints NCAs or NCSs in countries where the Class is raced, to take responsibility for relevant Class matters in their country.
- In the first instance, IOMICA seeks DMs to act as NCAs or NCSs in their country. DMs currently have delegated responsibility from the ISAF-RSD for the IOM in their country.
- A NCA or NCS is free to manage its affairs as it sees fit, as long as it:
- Ballots its Owners with regard to any World Council resolution.
- Votes on the World Council according to the result of the ballot of its Owners.
- Provides details (owner name, address, and boat registration number) of its Owners as required by the World Council or the Executive Committee.
Class IOM Class of radio-controlled racing boat
DM Division Member of the RSD
ICA International Class Association
IOM International One Metre
ISAF International Sailing Federation
MNA Member National Authority of the ISAF
NCA National Class Association
NCS National Class Secretary
RSD Radio Sailing Division of the ISAF