RSD approved 2009 version of the IOM Class Rules is published and effective from 5 November 2009.

You may find changes in 2009 edition of the iOM Class Rules and reference to relevant AGM Resolutions in file IOM CR 2009_021109_changes.pdf .
Measurement forms dated 2007 are still valid because changes in 2009 edition of the IOM Class Rules don’t have influence on relevant items in Measurement forms.

15-nov-2009. Update

There are two typographical errors in original published IOM CR 2009:
CR A.5.1     “2009-20012 ERS” must be replaced with “2009-2012 ERS”
Last page   “Effective 5 October 2009” must be replaced with “Effective 5 November 2009”
If you already downloaded IOM_CR_2009_021109.pdf please delete it and download the corrected file IOM_CR_2009_021109_corr.pdf.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

Robert Grubisa
Vice-Chairman Technical

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