To all World Council Members:

Please note the secondary edition of the 2018 IOMICA AGM Agenda (Updated Nov 3 ’18), with modifications to Appendix D, and the additional attachment of our current 2018 Class Championship Rules .  This current CCR attachment will hopefully allow a comparison between our existing rules and the proposed changes in Appendix A, B, C, and D.

Please find the attached agenda for our 2018 Annual General Meeting highlighting several submitted proposals. I have also included in this email a blank copy of our  IOM NCA REPORT (individual country report) to allow all of listed NCA Representatives to provide a current fleet status within your individual countries.  This information is vital in the determination of your counties voting strength, so please make an effort to have something back to me by December 1st.  Take a moment to share what has worked well within your local region to strengthen regatta activity and growth, and what the challenges have been.

If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

With Kindest Regards,

Gary Boell

IOM ICA Secretary

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