August 26th, 2019:
Resolutions for an ordinary or annual meeting of the World Council shall be specified to the IOM ICA Secretary in writing at least 10 weeks before the meeting at which they are to be proposedSooner is better.

September 9th, 2019:
At least 8 weeks’ notice in writing shall be given of any ordinary or annual World Council meeting by the IOM ICA Secretary to the members of the World Council, together with a copy of the agenda for the meeting and of any resolutions which are to be proposed at the meeting

October 7th, 2019:
Four (4) weeks before any meeting of the World CouncilMember NCAs and NCSs shall declare in writing to the IOM ICA Secretary, by boat number and owner’s name, the Registered OwnersRegistered BoatsCertificated Owners, and Certificated Boats that the Member NCA or NCS represents

November 4th. 20179
Meeting Day. The meeting is virtually all about totaling any votes submitted and reporting the outcome.

Please submit any resolutions as soon as you have them prepared so that the appropriate Sub Committee can review them and I can add them to our upcoming agenda.

Note that this is an election year and any and all board positions are available for new candidate nominations. Those nominations must be submitted by the closing date for resolutions (August 26th)  so that the names can be published in the Agenda that will follow 2 weeks later. The one executive board position that has reached its term limit of eight years is the position of  VC– Measurement.  Mr. Lawire Neish has dutifully executed this function since 2011, and we all owe him a great deal of thanks. I have attached both the IOM ICA Candidate form 2019  and the  IOM ICA Nominator form 2019 for your consideration . If you would like to run for one of the listed positions below, or would like to nominate a candidate for one of these position, please complete and return the appropriate form by August 26th.   The IOM ICA Executive Board positions are as follows:

  • Chairman
  • Vice Chairman of Events
  • Vice Chairman of Technical
  • Vice Chairman of Measurement                             (Term limit reached –  position open)
  • Vice Chairman of Info-Communications               (No term limit)
  • Treasurer                                                                        (No term limit)
  • Secretary

An additional update that I’m happy to announcement is Mr. Bob Wells accepted the position to serve as Chairman over ourDocument Modernization Subcommittee.  The primary focus of his group’s undertaking, will be to update the terminology and language within our Class Constitution, Class Regulation, our NCA Memorandum of Understanding, and a myriad of other administrative documents that  are all in need of renovating. Bob’s background as a writer and editor will serve our class well in this capacity.

With Kindest regards,
Gary Boell
IOM ICA Secretary

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