December 6th, 2023 was our final DATE for our IOMICA AGM REPORTS:
1-Treasurer’s report from our Sean Wallis for 2023 was presented and details have been sent separately by or mail to all executive and world council members.
2-Class ballots
2-1 change to championship rule 8.8.2 b has been overwhelmingly approved with 93% or 139 of the available 150 votes
2-2 Election of a new Executive Vice Chair of Events to replace Rob Walsh who is leaving the position by year end.
Fred Rocha received 112 of the 143 votes available or78.3 %
Jonas Samson received 28 votes or 19.6%
One NCA abstained from voting.
Therefore Fred Rocha is elected as our new VC Events executive starting 2024.
Congratulations to Fred!
But also congratulations for all the dedication and passion shown by both candidates applying for such a demanding position.
Hopefully, both will find a way to cooperate for the best of our class.
A heart felt thank you to Rob Walsh and his huge contribution to the class as VC Events all these years.
2-Class ballots
2-1 change to championship rule 8.8.2 b has been overwhelmingly approved with 93% or 139 of the available 150 votes
2-2 Election of a new Executive Vice Chair of Events to replace Rob Walsh who is leaving the position by year end.
Fred Rocha received 112 of the 143 votes available or78.3 %
Jonas Samson received 28 votes or 19.6%
One NCA abstained from voting.
Therefore Fred Rocha is elected as our new VC Events executive starting 2024.
Congratulations to Fred!
But also congratulations for all the dedication and passion shown by both candidates applying for such a demanding position.
Hopefully, both will find a way to cooperate for the best of our class.
A heart felt thank you to Rob Walsh and his huge contribution to the class as VC Events all these years.
All others executive positions have been unchallenged and have received proper nominations to be reconducted to next election year (2025).
3-Activity of The class
In 2023 we had 34 NCAs of which 32 were active and issued a full report.
Let’s hope ISR and RSA, inactive in 2023 will find a way back to regain strength.
In total 5570 registered owners and 4369 certified.
We are also happy to confirm that 2 NCAs joined IOMICA in 2023:
Furthermore, two other countries are applying and are ready to be approved soon:
That will make a total of 38 NCAs soon.
Addendum to 2023 AGM REPORT :
Please make a note that all other executive positions have been confirmed by receiving proper nominations until the next election year (2025).
Please make a note that all other executive positions have been confirmed by receiving proper nominations until the next election year (2025).
Meeting documents:
Voting Strength Report: 2023 IOM ICA AGM BALLOT
Respectfully submitted
Michel Roure
IOMICA Secretary
Michel Roure
IOMICA Secretary