Reflecting on 2023’s Success & Welcoming 2024: IOMICA’s Global Growth and Upcoming World Championship in Australia



Dear One Meter owners,

As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome 2024, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year. I hope you are enjoying the festive season with your loved ones, and looking forward to the exciting challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The past year has been a remarkable one for our class, as we have witnessed the growth and development of our global community. We have welcomed three new associations, Bermuda, Singapore, and Panama, to our family, and we are delighted to have them on board. They have brought new energy and enthusiasm to our class, and we look forward to sailing with them in the future. We have also seen some amazing events and achievements in 2023, such as the European Championship in Spain, the 1st North American Championship in the USA, and the 1st South American Championship in Chile. Congratulations to all the participants and winners, and thank you for showcasing the best of our class to the world. But the best is yet to come, as we are preparing for the biggest event of our class, the World Championship in Australia, in October 2024. This will be a historic occasion, as we will gather in the city of Gladstone, Queensland, to compete for the ultimate title. I am sure you are all eager to join this event, entries should be possible at the end of this month, information in due time on championship’s website. The World Championship will be a great opportunity to meet old and new friends, to share our passion and knowledge, and to enjoy the thrill and fun of sailing. It will also be a chance to showcase our class to the world and to inspire more people to join us. I am confident that our Australian friends will make this event a memorable one, and that we will demonstrate the spirit and values of our class: excellence, fairness, and camaraderie.

I would like to thank you all for your support and contribution to our class, and to express my gratitude to the IOMICA Executive Committee for their hard work and dedication. I would also like to thank our sponsors, partners, and hosts, for their generosity and cooperation. And finally, I want to congratulate and thank Rob Walsh for his commitment as VC events these last years and welcome (back) Fred Rocha who is taking over. I am honored and proud to be the chairman of IOMICA, and to represent such a wonderful and diverse group of sailors. I am also optimistic and excited about the future of our class, as I believe we have a lot of potential and opportunities to grow and improve. I hope you share my vision and enthusiasm, and that you will continue to sail and support our class in 2024 and beyond.

Once again, I wish you all a very happy new year, and I hope to see you soon on the water.


Olivier Cohen

IOMICA Chairman

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