
The ESC has accepted the bid for the 2008 European Championships from CRO and we’re looking forward to an excellent event.

The IOMICA CCR are in the process of being updated with the changes from the AGM and will be released shortly.

There are other events around the world that are open to international competitors; Malta, Spain and France have all recently announced dates as well as most NCA national championships welcoming international entrants. The Exec wishes them all the very best for their events.

For more information try these links:

The Exec is looking into the possibility of bring information about such events together in one place, via an additional events page on the IOMICA website.

Disappointingly, we are still suffering from a terrible lack of feedback from the World Championships. Neither competitors nor organisers seem willing to offer their opinions. You must have opinions, we’d love to hear them, please get in touch.


Questions have been asked about the legality of the recent Emergency Class Rule Change; the TSC is considering the situation and will respond shortly.

Opinions have been solicited from the World Council on the way forward for dealing with similar Class Rules anomalies (battery indicators and rig fittings spring to mind immediately), as yet the response has been limited. Hopefully more opinions will be forthcoming.

The TSC is also taking another look at the question of batten reinforcement at the leech. Something that has been raised previously and discussed at length within the Exec. Unfortunately a conclusion failed to emerge from those discussions and the question remains open. The TSC may well solicit opinions in due course.


Another recurring question is that of who should retain measurement forms, Registrars or Owners. Some of the larger NCAs are beginning to struggle with paper overload apparently. The MSC is considering the question. Again, opinions may well be solicited in due course.

Andy Stevenson
GBR 1779
IOMICA Chairman

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