The Future of RSD

I understand that there have been some issues making the RSD discussion document available on the RSD web site. I’m making it available for download here by request. As well as a draft IRSCA constitution. Comments to the forum, IOMICA Exec or RSD DM are encouraged. Cheers Andy Stevenson IOMICA Chairman

International Events

Two upcoming International Events are in Malta and France: MMBA are running the MMBA IOM Open National Championship 27th March to 31st March NOR here and amendment here Entry form here UNVMP are running the International One Metre Tricastin Cup regatta 11th April to 13th April NOR here Entry form here

Exec Update

Technical The AGM resolutions that require RSD ratification are with the Exec for proof reading, they’ll be sent shortly. Events Bruce and the ESC are busy with arrangements for the Worlds 2009 in Barbados. An application for 2011 has been received from GBR and looks very promising. I’m hopeful that it’ll be accepted reasonably soon.

2008 AGM Minutes Available

The minutes of the 2008 AGM are now available from the AGM web page: My apologies for the delay in getting this task completed. The Exec is now working on the submission to ISAF-RSD for ratification of the CR changes. Andy Stevenson GBR 1779 IOMICA Chairman

2009 World Championships

VC Events has accepted the bid from BAR to host the IOMICA World Championships 2009. Both BAR and ESP bids satisfied the criteria for an excellent World Championships. The majority of the Exec favoured BAR. We now look forward to working closely with BAR towards a successful World Championships. Andy Stevenson IOMICA Chairman

2008 AGM

The 2008 IOMICA AGM will take place electronically between Monday 24 November 00:00 GMT and Sunday 30 November 00:00 GMT. Proposals for resolutions should reach the IOMICA Secretary by 15 September, a template for submitting proposals can be downloaded here. An agenda will then be produced no later than 29 September. Each NCA then has

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