Allocation of places for the IOM 2010 European Championship in France

Taken from IOM Class Championship Regulations


8.1 The maximum number of boats shall be 76.

8.2 The initial closing date shall be June 24th, 2010.

8.3 The allocation of places shall take place within 14 days of the initial closing date.

8.4 Member NCAs should only send entry fees for those competitors gaining places allocated in Stage One.

8.5 Member NCAs shall send entry forms for their competitors entering in Stages Two, Three & Four only if they are prepared to guarantee payment of the entry fee for those competitors getting a place. Once a place is allocated payment is required whether that competitor races or not.

8.6 Stage One

8.6.1 In which no Member NCA shall have an allocation of more than 8 places. The initial allocation of places shall be:

(i) A personal place for the previous champion; this place shall not be counted in any Member NCA’s total.

(ii) Two places to each European Member NCA and one place to each other Member NCA.

(iii) Four additional places for the host NCA.

(iv) Ten guest places to competitors either not represented by a NCA, or that have demonstrated noteworthy dedication and service to the class.

(v) The remaining places shall be allocated to European Member NCAs according to the finishing order of boats from the European Member NCA in the previous European championship.

8.7 Stage Two

8.7.1. In which no Member NCA shall have its allocation increased above 10 places. If there are still places after the initial allocation, any available places shall be allocated to European Member NCAs that have sent in applications for additional places before the closing date, using the finishing order of boats from the European Member NCAs in the previous European championship.

8.7.2   Then, if there are still places available,

(i) Those European Member NCAs still requiring places shall be listed in a List

(a) In order of their highest finishing place in the previous European championship, followed by

(b) In reverse numerical order of their World Council voting entitlement, where those with the same number of votes shall be split by drawing lots.

* NCA’s which were not represented on previous championship and have asked for additional places should be added to this list in the reverse numerical order of their World Council voting entitlement

8.7.3   Then, if there are still places available, places shall then be allocated one per European Member NCA going down the List repeatedly until each European Member NCA reaches the Stage Two maximum allocation, or has the places applied for if less.

8.8 Stage Three

8.8.1 If there are still places available, the ESC may allocate guest places to non- European competitors pursuant to rule 7.3, to maximum of 6, where no more than 1 place shall be allocated to any one country.

8.8.2 Then, if there are still places available,

(i) there shall be no restriction on the maximum number of places for any European Member NCA. Places shall be allocated one per European Member NCA to those Member NCAs still wanting them, using the List.

If any European Member NCA has requested places after the initial closing date, they should be added at this stage.

8.9 Stage Four

8.91. If at any stage the maximum number of entrants is achieved, the Organising Authority shall notify at least the next five persons on the List informing them that they are a reserve should anyone drop out. If places become available immediately prior to the start of an event, the Organising Authority may make up the numbers to the entry limit, by informing the reserves and then continuing the allocation of places from the List.


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