Based on the reported owner counts from most countries, attached is the list showing the counts and the resulting voting strength for the upcoming AGM voting. You will note two countries shown in yellow. Those countries reported late and will not participate in the voting.

Remember that as described in the Constitution and Regulations, the in country voting that you report carries as a simple majority and that subsequently all of your voting strength count for your country goes for that simple majority winner. Then the votes for the Class Rule Change requires a 2/3 majority to carry. Other resolutions are simple majority.

Your in country voting should be concluded in time to insure that you have your results to me no later than when I get going the morning of November 22, 2015. I don’t start too early so there is a little wiggle room. But you ought to get them in the mail by maybe the 21st.

Another reminder is that you cannot submit a tie. You as the class representative in your country are allowed to break ties by casting an additional vote. If no other owners in your country vote then I still expect that you will cast a vote on behalf of your organization, you are fully allowed to do that.

I have about a half dozen vote counts already submitted but I haven’t looked at them to see the results, so don’t ask!!

Barry Fox
IOM ICA Secretary

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