International One Metre
International Class Association
2021 Annual General Meeting
Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Confirm Quorum
  3. Approve Agenda
  4. Declare Voting Strength
  5. Election of Officers

5.1. Chairman

5.1.1.Nominations for Olivier Cohen (FRA) for the position of Chairman have been received by Fred Rocha

(IOMICA Ex. Com.) , GBR, SWE and MAS.

5.1.2.Nominations for Peter Grimm (CAN) for the position of Chairman have been received by Fred Rocha

(IOMICA Ex. Com.) and CAN

5.2. Secretary (none received)

5.3. Treasurer

5.3.1.Nominations for Sean Wallis (AUS) for the position of Treasurer have been received from AUS and NZL

5.4. VC Technical

5.4.1.Nominations for Robert Grubisa (CRO) for the position of VC Technical have been received from CRO,


5.5. VC Events (none received)

5.6. VC Measurement (none received)

5.7. VC Communications

5.7.1.Nominations for Josip Marasovic for the position of VC Communications (Info Comms) have been

received from CRO and NZL

  1. Changes to the IOM Class Rules – See Appendix A (a special resolution)

6.1. IOM Class Rules Amendment related to the hull construction materials

  1. Changes to the IOM Constitution – See Appendix B (a special resolution)

7.1. Make sufficient changes in the Constitutional wording to allow the Executive Committee to better manage the

Association but still have the overall control in the hands of the World Council

  1. Changes to the IOM Regulations – See Appendix C (an ordinary resolution)

8.1. Creation of a World IOM Certificate Database to standardize issuance procedures and capture NCA voting


  1. Treasurer’s Report
  2. Discussions from the Floor
  3. Meeting Adjourned

Appendix A


CRO NCA resolution for 2021 IOM ICA AGM – IOM Class Rules

amendments related to the hull construction materials

1) Current IOM hull construction material rules



(a) Subject to (b) and (c), the hull, excluding fittings and remote control equipment but including any supports and containers for such items, shall be made of and joined using one or more of the following materials:

(1) Metal,

(2) Wood; wood based products containing only permitted materials,

(3) Resin, which may be coloured and/or reinforced with glass fibres,

(4) Adhesive,

(5) Varnish; paint,

(6) Film covering materials which may be reinforced by means of polyester fibres,

(7) Elastomer,

(8) Thermoplastic, which may be moulded, containing only permitted materials.

(b) With the exception of elastomer, materials shall not be: expanded, foamed, honeycombed.

(c) Unrestricted by (a) and (b):

(1) A builder’s mark may be applied,

(2) The hull registration number shall be applied.

2) Proposed class rules changes

Delete current wording D.2.1 and replace with:


(a) Construction materials of the hull, excluding fittings and remote control equipment but including any supports and containers for such items, are unrestricted subject to the following:

(1) With the exception of elastomer, materials shall not be: expanded, foamed, honeycombed.

(2) Fibre reinforcement materials with a higher modulus of elasticity than glass fibre are prohibited.

Amend D.1.4:

Add (a) in front of the existing paragraph. Add: (b) A builder’s mark may be applied.


3) Reasoning for the proposed IOM Class Rule

The purpose of the proposed IOM Class Rule changes is to formulate a construction materials section of the rules having in mind the original intention of the IOM Class – to permit home built boats to compete structurally with mass produced boats and at an attractive cost – in order to enable good quality hulls to be obtained from a wider variety of sources than at present.

Currently, only a very small percentage of home built boats now exist in the class. Those that are home built are invariably used by their owner/builders at their own club. Boats competing at the highest level come from a relatively limited number of builders. The class will be much more robust if sources of good quality hulls are available from a larger number of sources and from a larger number of designers.

The relatively small number of builders seen to provide competitive boats, relative to the number of countries where they are raced, means many hulls are imported at a cost that is large in comparison with their value. The absence of locally produced boats that are seen to be competitive works against local growth of the class.

Whereas few individuals have the skills or time to create their own hulls from timber, many are now in a position to create a hull by 3D printing. Currently, according to a recent interpretation, glass fibres may be used in traditionally laminated hulls, and in structures made using additive manufacturing involving resin, but may not be used in 3D printed hulls. This is an unreasonable restriction on a low cost method of construction which is available to many who do not possess the construction skills of earlier generations.

Proposed class rule changes are permitting the use of glass reinforced thermoplastic material used for 3D printing of the IOM hulls. Fibre materials with modulus of elasticity higher than glass are still prohibited so the boat builders using glass reinforced resin don’t need to invest in new materials and building techniques.

The proposed rule is simpler to understand than the existing. It is expected that this rule changes will allow more home builders keen in 3D printing of hulls to build their own or others design. Also 3D printed prototype designs could be tested against the moulded hulls before the investments in the plug and mould have been made. In addition, all sorts of gel coats, resins with pigments and other additives as well as additives to thermoplastics are clearly permitted which was not clear in the current wording of the class rules.

Zoran Grubiša

CRO NCA Representative


Appendix B

Proposal to amend IOM ICA Constitution


During 2017 our former long serving Secretary, the late Barry Fox, submitted a resolution requiring a review of the IOMICA Constitution and Regulations. This Resolution was passed at the 2017 AGM. However, to date very little, if any, progress has been made.

Whilst Barry favoured a complete review of both documents the circumstances of the last 18 months would tend to indicate that we need a greater degree of flexibility than at present.

As Barry pointed out, the core documents have not changed significantly since the initial drafting that provided a basic structure for unknown requirements. In fact, most clauses do not need changing. However, with structures developed there now becomes a need to formalize procedures and provide more structured authority.

It is readily apparent why some wording was used in an organization starting out but now they either tend to be restrictive or do not give full recognition to the positions.

The last 18 months have seen the need for the Executive Committee to make decisions and take action in an ever evolving environment. These decisions have been totally sensible and necessary, yet are not entirely in accordance with the Constitution. The Executive need to be given flexibility to make such decisions

Accordingly, it is proposed control of regulations be placed in the hands of the Executive subject to ratification of changes. To enable and accompany this move the Chair of the listed Committees will be direct Executive members and not just add-ons at the Executives discretion.

These steps should be viewed as the start of a process that tidies up both the Constitution and IOM ICA Regulations, removing a great deal of duplication.


Make sufficient changes in the Constitution to allow the Executive Committee to better manage the Association but still have overall control in the hands of the World Council.

To effect the above the following changes are proposed:


8.4 Change to read

At least one meeting of the World Council shall be held annually. Refer 8.10 below.

New Clause 8.10

8.10. The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall include the following items:

8.10.1. Receive the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.

8.10.2. To receive the Officers’ Reports.

8.10.3 To receive the Accounts.

8.10.4 To set the Subscriptions.

8.10.5 Vote on Resolutions.

8.10.6. Vote on Ratification of changes to Regulations (if any)

8.10.7. Election of the Officers in accordance with IOMICA Regulations 5.3


Replace 9.1 with

9.1. The IOM ICA shall have the following Officers who shall form the Executive Committee:

9.1.1. Chair of the IOMICA

9.1.2. Vice Chair – Technical

9.1.3. Vice Chair – Events

9.1.4. Vice Chair – Measurement

9.1.5. Vice Chair – Infocomms

9.1.6. Secretary

9.1.7. Treasurer


Add new clauses

10.5. The Executive Committee has the authority to create and or amend regulations (except for Class

Rules and Regulations pertaining to Membership and Voting). Such regulations shall come into effect

immediately but are subject to ratification by the World Council at the next World Council meeting.

This clause does not apply to the IOM ICA Constitution or Class Rules which can only be set in

accordance with Article 8.8.1 of this Constitution.

10.6. Decisions of committees shall not be binding until ratified, amended or rejected by the Executive

Committee with the exceptions stated in Article 10.7.

10.7. Except in respect of the Racing Rules of Sailing and its appendices, interpretations of rules issued by the Events Committee, and interpretations of Class Rules issued by the Technical Committee shall be binding while awaiting ratification or amendment by the Executive Committee, and shall cease to be binding if rejected by the Executive Committee.


Rewrite article 12 with

12.1. Standing Sub-Committees

The World Council shall elect Vice Chairs for standing Sub-committees. Each Standing SubCommittee shall consist of its Vice Chair as its Chair plus at least 2 and no more than 4 other

Registered Owners appointed by the IOM ICA Executive Committee.

The Standing Sub-Committees shall be:

12.1.1 Events Sub-Committee

The duties of the Events Sub-committee shall broadly be to assist event organizers to hold IOM World and Continental Championships and other events of International standing in appropriate locations and to proper standards. The Events Sub-committee shall be responsible for the Class Championship Rules. The Chair shall be the Vice Chair (Events).

12.1.2 Measurers Sub-Committee

The duties of the Measurers Sub-committee shall broadly be to encourage the development and training of Class measurers, the development of measurement forms, and their distribution to measurers. The Chair shall be the Vice Chair (Measurers).

12.1.3 Information and Telecommunications Sub-committee.

The duties of the Information and Telecommunications Sub-committee shall broadly be to provide a structure for class management at international and national level and for the exchange of information among Owners. The chairman shall be the Vice Chair (Infocomms).

12.2. The IOM ICA Executive Committee may establish another Sub-committee as it deems necessary. Any such Sub-committee shall consist of a Vice Chair as its chair plus at least 2 and no more than 4 other Registered Owners appointed by the IOM ICA Executive Committee.

12.3. The Regulations provide for the conduct of other Sub-committees.

End of proposal

Michael McLachlan

NZL IOM NCA Representative

30 September 2021

Changed articles after incorporation of the above proposal


8.1. The World Council shall consist of the Officers, one Representative of each Member NCA, and each Member NCS.

8.2. The members of the World Council shall be bound by this Constitution and shall comply with all resolutions and Regulations made in accordance with this Constitution. Member NCAs and NCSs shall use their best endeavours to ensure that their Owners also comply with such resolutions and Regulations.

8.3. The work of the World Council may be conducted by electronic communication.

8.4. At least one meeting of the World Council shall be held annually. Refer 8.10 below.

8.5. A Special meeting of the World Council may be called according to the provisions of the Regulations.

8.6. The number of votes to be cast by a Member NCA or NCS representative in any vote in meetings of the World Council shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations.

8.7. Each World Council Officer shall have one vote.

8.8. Resolutions

8.8.1. Proposals for amending this Constitution, or the IOM Class Rules, shall be by Special resolution to ameeting of the World Council. All other resolutions to the World Council shall be ordinary resolutions.

8.8.2. A Special resolution shall be passed only if 2/3rds or more of the votes cast are in its favour.

8.8.3. Voting at World Council meetings on ordinary resolutions shall be by simple majority of the votes cast.

8.8.4. A Special resolution at the World Council requires each Member NCA or Member NCS to ballot their Certificated Owners on that resolution. A Member NCA or Member NCS who is not able to demonstrate the results of their owner ballot on a Special resolution shall abstain from voting on that resolution.

8.8.5. The IOM ICA Regulations may make provision for a ballot of Registered Owners to be required for certain classes of ordinary resolution. Member NCAs or Member NCSs may otherwise put ordinary resolutions to a ballot of their Registered Owners at their discretion.

8.9. Emergency decisions taken by the Executive Committee shall be submitted as resolutions to the next meeting of the World Council for ratification.

8.10. The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall include the following items:

8.10.1. Receive the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting.

8.10.2. To receive the Officers’ Reports.

8.10.3 To receive the Accounts.

8.10.4 To set the Subscriptions.

8.10.5 Vote on Resolutions.

8.10.6. Vote on Ratification of changes to Regulations (if any)

8.10.7. Election of the Officers in accordance with IOMICA Regulations 5.3


9.1. The IOM ICA shall have the following Officers who shall form the Executive Committee:

9.1.1. Chair of the IOMICA

9.1.2. Vice Chair – Technical

9.1.3. Vice Chair – Events

9.1.4. Vice Chair – Measurement

9.1.5. Vice Chair – Infocomms

9.1.6 Secretary

9.1.7. Treasurer

9.2. The Officers shall be Registered Owners.

9.3. The Regulations provide for the method of election of Officers.


10.1. Each Officer shall have one vote in any ballot that may take place in a meeting of the Executive Committee.

10.2. IOM ICA Executive Committee meetings shall be held by electronic communication on such occasions and times, or shall be held at such physical places, as are either called by the IOM ICA Chair or decided by previous meetings of the IOM ICA Executive Committee.

10.3. There shall be at least one IOM ICA Executive Committee meeting per calendar year.

10.4. The Regulations provide for the conduct of the Executive Committee.

10.5. The Executive Committee has the authority to create and or amend regulations (except for Class Rules and Regulations pertaining to Membership and Voting). Such regulations shall come into effect immediately but are subject to ratification by the World Council at the next World Council meeting. This clause does not apply to the IOM ICA Constitution or Class Rules which can only be set in accordance with Article 8.8.1 of this Constitution.

10.6. Decisions of committees shall not be binding until ratified, amended or rejected by the Executive Committee with the exceptions stated in Article 10.7.

10.7. Except in respect of the Racing Rules of Sailing and its appendices, interpretations of rules issued by the Events Committee, and interpretations of Class Rules issued by the Technical Committee shall be binding while awaiting ratification or amendment by the Executive Committee, and shall cease to be binding if rejected by the Executive Committee.


12.1. Standing Sub-Committees

The World Council shall elect Vice Chairs for standing Sub-committees. Each Standing Sub-Committee shall consist of its Vice Chair as its Chair plus at least 2 and no more than 4 other Registered Owners appointed by the IOM ICA Executive Committee.

The Standing Sub-Committees shall be:

12.1.1 Events Sub-Committee

The duties of the Events Sub-committee shall broadly be to assist event organizers to hold IOM World and Continental Championships and other events of International standing in appropriate locations and to proper standards. The Events Sub-committee shall be responsible for the Class Championship Rules. The Chair shall be the Vice Chair (Events).

12.1.2 Measurers Sub-Committee

The duties of the Measurers Sub-committee shall broadly be to encourage the development and training of Class measurers, the development of measurement forms, and their distribution to measurers. The Chair shall be the Vice Chair (Measurers).

12.1.3 Information and Telecommunications Sub-committee.

The duties of the Information and Telecommunications Sub-committee shall broadly be to provide a structure for class management at international and national level and for the exchange of information among Owners. The Chair shall be the Vice Chair (Infocomms).

12.2. The IOM ICA Executive Committee may establish another Sub-committee as it deems necessary. Any such Sub-committee shall consist of a Vice Chair as its chair plus at least 2 and no more than 4 other Registered Owners appointed by the IOM ICA Executive Committee.

12.3. The Regulations provide for the conduct of other Sub-committees.


Appendix C

CRO NCA resolution for 2021 IOM ICA AGM – IOM Certificates Database


  • To etsablish standardized procedure of issuing IOM certificates worldwide
  • To create IOM certificate is digital format without need of printed copies
  • To have easy access to any IOM certificate issued
  • To have exact number of issued certificates and certified owners available at any moment
  • To establish number of certified owners and number of votes for each NCA according to IOMICA regulations

How to achieve this?

– Certificates should be issued through and online database system where registered NCAs will get credentials to access administrative page for issuing certificates

– Registered NCA person (Registrar, NCA Secretary or other appointed person) will enter in the web form certificate data: Hull Registration Number, Boat’s Name, Owner’s Name; Design Name, Designer’s Name, Date of Initial Certification Control, Rigs included with this Certificate and Owner’s e-mail address

– Certificate will then be issued electronically with unique Certificate Reference Number assigned by the Database. This unique reference number will be then connected with all certificate data particularly owner’s name and hull number and of course NCA that issued that certificate (unique number may be something like PNR code on airplane tickets)

– Unique refence number is connected to the certificate and database will recognize that one owner may have one or more boat and one or more certificates and number of certified owners may be established and may be different from the number of certificates.

– Certificate is sent by e-mail to the owner with unique reference number as user name and database generated password that owner may use to register to the IOMICA for voting on AGM (as described below) but also to access any other services that IOMICA may design in the future

– Registered NCA person will have possibility to administer their fleets by marking certificate invalid if: new certificate for same boat is issued (for example when additional rig is measured), boat is sold to the new owner in which case new certificate will be issued assigning new unique reference number of when boat is destroyed and does not exists any more.

– Update status of issued certificates and certificated owners is updated in real time and available at any moment.

– Owner’s data needs not to be disclosed to any third party except to the NCA registered person

just as it is up to now and GDPR is fulfilled.

– When entering an event, the owner could provide unique reference number of his boat, so the organizer may access it in controllable way.

Voting procedures at the AGM

– Voting strength by the NCA should be decided based on active certified owners at the time of the vote.

– Certificate owners may register for the vote at defined time prior to the AGM. An e-mail will be sent from the database to all certified owners where they will confirm they are active and want to register for the vote.

– Database will clearly identify certificated owners even if they have more boats or more certificates at the same time and owners will register with unique certificate number and password as explained above. One unique certificate number may be used for only one vote.

– Certified owners not willing to participate are doing that by his own decision and they have to accept the outcome of the voting.

– After closing of registration procedure list of active certified owners will be published together with appropriates number of votes that each NCA.

– Once certificate owners are registered for the vote, they will receive voting form to vote for, against or abstained for resolutions on the agenda within defined time frame.

– Once voting is closed, software will automatically calculate number of votes for each NCA, number of certified owners voted within each NCA and how they voted calculating final number of votes with final decision if resolution is passed or not.

What is needed to complete this project?

– Database system and programming work that may be financed form the IOMICA budget

– Minor changes to the regulations in voting procedures describing timeline for receiving submissions, publishing agenda, registration for the vote and voting itself

– With proposed changes it would be more appropriate to limit the votes to the NCAs only excluding IOMICA Executive members from the vote

Zoran Grubiša

CRO NCA Representative



Download Notice of Meeting pdf file: International One Metre 2021 Agenda 18Oct21

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