1. Call to Order

2. Confirm Quorum

3. Approve Agenda

4. Declare Voting Strength

5. Elected Officers
5.1. Chairman
5.1.1. Olivier Cohen (FRA)
5.2. Treasurer
5.2.1. Sean Wallis (AUS)
5.3. VC Technical
5.3.1. Robert Grubisa (CRO)
5.4. VC Communications
5.4.1. Josip Marasovic (CRO)

6. Changes to the IOM Class Rules – See Appendix A (a special resolution)
6.1. IOM Class Rules Amendment related to the hull construction materials

7. Changes to the IOM Constitution – See Appendix B (a special resolution)
7.1. Make sufficient changes in the Constitutional wording to allow the Executive Committee to better manage the Association but still have the overall control in the hands of the World Council

8. Changes to the IOM Regulations – See Appendix C (an ordinary resolution) 8.1. Creation of a World IOM Certificate Database to standardize issuance procedures and capture NCA voting strength

9. Treasurer’s Report (Attached and completed by Sean Wallis – Report, Profit and Loss, and Balance Sheet)

10. Discussions from the Floor

**There was a submitted motion by Art Prufer (CAN) to table Resolution #8 based on concerns over issues of legality. Please review the attached submission to the World Council received on December 13th, our AGM meeting date. (per Art):
I am submitting a “DISCUSSIONS from the FLOOR” in regards to Motion 8, the creation of a members database.I believe there has not been a thorough discussion around the implications of creating a National database of all IOM owners.
A thread was started in the IOMICA Forum to discuss this, but no discussion has taken place.

Some points to consider:
• European legality concerning existing privacy statutes
• Ownership of the data and how it would be applied to National regulations through the matrix of our NCA based organization
• Administration of this database (who is responsible for the collection, etc…)

o Is this registration process completed by the skipper or the individual NCA rep (?)
o How do you validate that party being in good standing (paid up) with the associated DNM within a given country (?)

I think Motion 8 should be tabled for further discussion before being ratified at the AGM.
Art Prufer
CRYA IOM Class Secretary

** This Resolution outlined in section #8 of our IOM Agenda does need greater definition moving forward, however even the party drafting this submission (Zoran Grubisa – CRO) recognizes several elements required to implement such a program. Topics range from cost of development and creation to required wording changes within our existing IOM Regulations. Now that the necessary votes have been tallied to validate moving forward with this project, the creation of a sub-committee to address these specific implementation details and challenges appears to be the next logical step. Would anyone from the WORLD COUNCIL care to weigh in on this?

** Please extend a note of welcome to all those that stepped forward as candidates for this past election cycle. Our Internation Class Asociation is only as effective as the people willing to volunteer to support it moving forward. To all those that ran and were elected to the Executive Board – you have my heartfelt thanks!

11. Meeting Adjourned

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