The Exec is mindful of some concerns expressed regarding the lack of action on some fairly pressing issues. It hasn’t been an easy time for the new Exec & we have been hard at work trying to sort out a suitable course of action.

In an effort to put those with concerns at ease this will be the first of regular updates on the deliberations, conversations, thoughts & actions of the Executive Committee. It’s not intended as a complete report, more a summary of the ongoing issues that are likely to be of interest to, or have an effect on the class.


After the Mooloolaba vote on rule changes.

With the exception of the Texalium issue, the rule changes will be
resubmitted to be voted on, as before, at the next AGM of the WC. The thinking behind this being that essentially the changes are what’s needed, the problem was the way the proposals were put forward. It seems clear that a lot of people were unsure what, exactly, they were voting for. Dealing with Texalium separately will, hopefully, make things a little clearer. There has been a great deal of discussion within the Exec surrounding the Texalium problem. While it would be far from desirable to exclude those boats now no longer legal, it’s also a very worrying prospect setting a precedent for not only introducing brand names as permitted materials, but also the wider issue of rule changes to allow innovations previously interpreted as class illegal.
The Exec proposes to reintroduce the grandfathering of Texalium hulls, with no event exceptions or time limits. It should be pointed out that this is an exceptional circumstance; similar situations that may occur in the future are unlikely to be dealt with similarly. If a class rule interpretation renders a boat illegal, it will probably remain so.

For the time being the Exec will post recommended alterations to NOR & SI’s. This should appear on the IOMICA web site shortly.


The Events Sub-Committee is deep in discussion. It is becoming clear that NCA’s are unable or unwilling to host international events. While some of the reasons are fairly obvious, this is probably a very complicated issue that is unlikely to have an easy solution. I’m sure this issue will be opened up for WC / public input once the ESC has a better idea of the situation.


The IOMICA public & WC forums have been very quiet. Probably due, in some part, to the Exec’s lengthy deliberations & lack of public communication.

Measurement / Technical

Waterless measurement & in-house sail certification are still ongoing and some discussion has taken place. However, with the Exec being tied up with more pressing matters, little real progress has been made towards working solutions.

World Council

A WC AGM will be required this year. The Exec hopes to announce a date in the near future. The intention being to give the WC members plenty of time to formulate proposals for resolutions. We are hopeful that this meeting can be held electronically.

Andy Stevenson
IOMICA Secretary

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