The hard work continues to ensure the AGM runs as smoothly as
possible. There have been a few questions we’ve hopefully now cleared up, if anyone is still unsure of what will be happening please don’t hesitate to contact myself or any other member of the Exec.
On a slightly different note, some of you may have noticed our Chairman & Treasurer travelled half way round the world to compete
in the RM world championships at Fleetwood, Greg finishing in 24th
place & David 21st. Well done to both of them.

World Council

It is surprising to note that there have been no proposals for resolutions at the AGM. While it may be the case that you’re all waiting with baited breath for the Exec & VC Technical to publish it’s proposals, I had hoped I’d made it clear that such proposals, Texalium aside, would be to bring the Class Rules back to their original meaning only.
I can only assume, given this, that everyone’s happy with the Class Rules in their 2003 form, no one has burning issues about certification, registration, fundamental or event measurement or anything else concerning their boat and the way it’s raced.
Similarly you’re all happy with the way the class is run, you have no
objections to the way IOMICA operates and you’re satisfied with the
relationship between IOMICA & ISAF-RSD.


The lack of a sub committee is contributing to the delay in the proposals from VC Technical. However Roy assures us that proposals
with be here soon.


The events committee has a good deal of work to do as outlined in the last update, no resolutions as yet, but work continues.

There has been some movement on a possible host for an IOM World
Championships 2007 from several countries. A firm application has
been received fro FRA, this will be announced on the events page of
the web site imminently.


We’re looking into the possibility of a uniform online voting system for
owner polls. This will require some fairly extensive set-up & testing.
It’s unlikely to be in place for this year’s AGM & NCA’s should continue
to make their own arrangements.
Andy Stevenson
IOMICA Secretary

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