World Council

The AGM Class Rule resolutions have been formally submitted to RSD and have been acknowledged, we await the results of the deliberation of the Joint Technical Committee(Robert Grubisa, ISAF-RSD Techincal committee chairman, Roy Langbord, IOMICA VCTechnical, and Rick Martin, ISAF RSD Technical committee vice chairman).

The Class rule changes are due to take effect 90 days from the AGM, assuming a timely response from RSD we should be releasing IOM Class Rules 2007 by 7 January 2007.


Work continues to appoint a suitable Vice Chairman for the measurement sub committee; we hope to have someone in place soon. It’s worth noting that there are also vacancies on the measurement sub committee for willing volunteers who wish to make a contribution.


The 2007 World Championship is still pending an official announcement. However scuttlebutt has managed to make sure pretty much everyone knows when it is! The next hurdle is the NoR, this should appear any day now. Work continues to ensure that the event meets the standards we’ve all come to expect.

Lester Gilbert has resigned from the events sub committee, there is room for a volunteer or two here if anyone’s keen. VC Events is particularly keen to hear from any IOM sailors with experience organising regattas, particularly international regattas. Someone with experience of an IOM World or Continental Championship would be ideal.

Andy Stevenson
GBR 1779
IOMICA Secretary

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