World Council

The IOMICA annual report is underway, I can’t complete it until all the NCA annual reports are in and I’m still three missing, I’m sure those three know who they are, but reminders will go out again shortly.

RSD ratification of the class rule changes has been completed and new versions of the Class Rules and IOM measurement forms have been produced. Details can be found on the website shortly.

An application has been received fro The Malta Model Boat Association to join the World Council as the NCA for MLT. The paperwork is currently with the Exec for scrutiny.








‘spam’ registrations to the forum have increased so much since December that it has been impossible to manually sift through all new account requests (about 1200 of them right now).

New forum users should first register on the forum normally, then email VCInfocomms (“vcinfocomms� at “�) and confirm their registration (please state your username, your full name, and your boat registration number).

Apologies to those legitimate users who have registered since December but not yet been approved.

Andy Stevenson
GBR 1779
IOMICA Secretary

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