The IOMICA 2007 Annual General Meeting of the World council will take place at the World Championships in Marseille. The most likely date is the 18th October, but we’re waiting for confirmation on date and venue from YCPR.

Assuming this date for the moment the timescales are as follows:

Proposals for AGM resolutions and nominations for Executive Committee positions should be lodged with the IOMICA Secretary no later than 09 August, that’s just three weeks away. If an Executive Committee position has no nominations by the closing date it will be extend to 6th September. (see Procedure for election of IOMICA Executive Officers at a meeting of the World Council)
A Notice of Meeting and final agenda will follow by 23rd August.

Each NCA will then have a further 4 weeks to produce their voting strength, number of registered owners and number of certificated owners; this should be lodged with the IOMICA Secretary no later than 20th September.

Please note that AGM resolutions and Executive Committee nominations will require owner ballot, evidence of which is required. Also, as this will be an “in person� vote, any World Council member not attending the meeting will need to arrange a proxy vote.

Downloadable documents (for use by World Council members and Exec Candidates only please):

  • Candidate for Exec position (Candidates should fill in this form. Send toIOMICA secretary by 9 August 2007)
  • Nomination for Exec position (Candidates require two nominations by World Council members. Send to IOMICA secretary by 9 August 2007)
  • Proxy (World council members wishing to vote but not able to attend the meeting can vote by proxy. Send to IOMICA secretary prior to meeting)

There is no form for proposing resolutions. These may be sent by email to the IOMICA secretary by 9. August 2007. We encourage prior discussion of proposals on the IOMICA Forum.

A new meeting page has been set up: 2007 IOMICA AGM. This page will be updated when nominations or proposals are submitted.
Anyone with problems or questions should feel free to contact me or any member of the Executive Committee.

Andy Stevenson
GBR 1779
IOMICA Secretary

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