IOM Class Rules and Control forms – 2022 Edition

New edition of the IOM Class Rules, approved by the IRSA, entered into force on 1st March 2022 in accordance with the IOM ICA Regulations.

Main amendments are as follows:

  1. As voted on the last IOM ICA AGM, IOM Class Rule D.2.1 is amended to permit the use of glass reinforced thermoplastic material used for 3D printing of the IOM hulls. Fibre materials with modulus of elasticity higher than glass are still prohibited so the boat builders using glass reinforced resin don’t need to invest in new materials and building techniques. The rule is simpler to understand than the previous one. It is expected that this rule changes will allow more home builders keen in 3D printing of hulls to build their own or others design. Also, 3D printed prototype designs could be tested against the moulded hulls before the investments in the plug and mould have been made. In addition, all sorts of gel coats, resins with pigments and other additives as well as additives to thermoplastics are clearly permitted which was not clear in the current wording of the class rules.
  2. Number of loopholes in the previous edition of the IOM Class Rules have been identified and better wording used in the 2022 Edition.
  3. Consequently, amended certification control form and check lists are published as well.
  4. The IOM Certificate template is intentionally not published on the IOM ICA website. It is distributed to the designated NCA representatives only for the use of Certification Authorities

1 March 2022


– Robert Grubiša

IOM ICA VC Technical

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