Things have become a little hectic since the World Championships, a consequence of this has been a lack of Exec updates from me. I apologise, it had been my intention to continue them as Chairman and I will endeavour to do better from now on.

The Exec has been attempting a smooth change over, not too difficult a task as the Vice Chairmen all retain their roles, unfortunately, while Rob O’Brian has been invited on to the Exec as Secretary, he’s yet to take up the post.

The minutes of the AGM are in process, if a little delayed, we’ll publish them shortly.

Bruce has been busy trying to get some feedback from Marseille, unfortunately with little joy, particularly in attempting to chase for the event reports. This is an important exercise and the Exec will continue to push the organisers for their reports. Feedback from competitors is equally useful, Please let Bruce, or any member of the Exec have your thoughts, either via the forum or a PM or email.

He has also requested interested parties contact him with a view to serving on the Events Sub Committee. I would urge anyone with an interest to contact him; the ESC has a lot it can achieve with some willing volunteers.

Indeed both the Technical & Measurement Sub Committees are a few bodies shy of the required membership, please contact the appropriate VC, or any member of the Exec if you have a desire to serve.

Roy has asked for opinions on materials for mast fittings in the public forum. Please make your views known, if you’re not comfortable responding publicly you can always PM or email Roy, or myself, directly.

The Malta Model Boat Association has released the NoR for their first international open meeting, the venue certainly looks impressive! The Exec wishes Vinnie and his team every success.

Andy Stevenson
GBR 1779
IOMICA Chairman

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