David T has been able to contact Rob O’Brian and we’re hopeful that he will take up the Secretary’s position in the near future. Thank you to those people that offered to take on the role, or help out in the interim. It’s good to see people willing to take part & pick up the baton. Please give thought to offering your services on a Sub Committee.

Bruce has confirmed that Greg Willis will take up a position on the ESC. This is great news, I’m particularly pleased that the Exec will continue to benefit from Greg’s input. Our regulations limit the number of SC positions to 4, so there’s still room to accommodate a few more willing bodies.

Despite chasing, the ESC has still to receive event reports from the Worlds. This isn’t going away and we will continue to push YCPR. There has also been little response to the request for thoughts and observations from competitors and others involved. I can’t believe that nobody has opinions they want to share?

There has been an anomaly or two crop up with the Class Rules and Roy has attempted to get the feelings of owners and the World Council, again with little in the way of response. There is however a proposal for a Class Rule change to accommodate the Spektrum receiver with the World Council, hopefully we’ll be able to draw a line under that issue soon.

My Thoughts
It’s unlikely that we’re going to get much movement on any of our outstanding issues with such a limited response from owners and the World Council in the run up to Christmas, perfectly understandable. I’m sure we’ll pick up again in the New Year.

Merry Christmas one and all, may 2008 bring you all you desire.

Andy Stevenson
GBR 1779
IOMICA Chairman

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